
rethink.finacne dApp is an intuitive user interface for depositors and managers.

Manager/Strategist can deploy all relevant smart contracts that together enable OIVs. Additionally, they may be allowed to settle flows (deposit and redemption requests), update NAV, and execute strategy within the scope of permissions.

Depositors can find an OIV, learn about its investment strategy, understand its performance, view its positions, participate in governance, verify OIV parameters and delegated permissions on-chain, and request deposits and redemptions.

Main Success Scenario

  1. Manager/Strategist deploys an OIV with predefined settings

    1. Basic info (Name, LP token symbol, denomination asset, image and description)

    2. Fees (Management fee, performance fee, deposit fee, redemption fee, etc.)

    3. Whitelist (If applicable)

    4. Management (Planned settlement period and min. liquid asset share)

    5. Governance (Type, gov. token, quorum, late quorum, voting period and proposal threshold)

    6. Initial supported positions (Scoped permissions for assets and protocols + NAV calculation methods)

  2. Depositor finds an OIV and requests a deposit

    1. Deposit gets processed with new NAV update, LP tokens get minted to depositor

  3. Manager/Automation executes strategy on behalf of depositors

    1. Manual execution via existing protocol interfaces (Pilot extension)

    2. Automated execution via script or AI agent (can be off-chain)

  4. Managers and depositors (or their delegates) can create on-chain proposals to:

    1. Change initial supported positions

    2. Change initial OIV settings

    3. Execute a raw transaction (interact with any contract/address)

  5. Manager earns a fee

  6. Depositor requests redemption

    1. Redemption gets processed with a new NAV update, LP tokens get burned, initial deposit + profit are claimed

Last updated