What are OIVs?

On-chain Investment Vehicles (OIVs) are non-custodial, DAO-like entities that enable flexible deposits and redemptions and are governed through on-chain governance.

To achieve operational efficiency, OIVs may delegate scoped permissions for any transaction to:

  • Human managers

  • Automation scripts

  • AI agents

OIVs may support any position type on any EVM network.

More information: Integrations

The net asset value (NAV) calculation is automated and done on-chain.

More information: NAV Calculator Contract

OIVs can technically operate without a manager and execute any transaction through governance. The infrastructure is governance framework agnostic, but our frontend currnetly supports the OZ Governor and Frax Governor. Stakeholders can choose to:

  • Use OIV tokens representing custody as governance tokens

  • Use any legacy ERC-20 as governance tokens

  • Trust multisg signers to govern the OIV - not recommended

Fees for deposits, redemptions, performance, and management are optional, automated, and upgradeable through governance.

Last updated